Navigating through the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged our company in many ways. Thanks to you, we continue to operate and remain inspired to provide the level of service and quality expected from our brand. We thank you for placing your trust in us and for enthusiastically supporting the initiatives that we have launched over the past two months. Our team in Toronto has been continually overwhelmed by the support and loyalty you have bestowed upon us.

We are excited to welcome you back for our dine-in services shortly. Please stay tuned for more information on how to book.


Your safety is our number one priority. We are implementing the following enhanced protocols in compliance with provincial guidelines to ensure the highest level of safety and comfort for our dine-in guests:



  • A maximum of 50% of each property’s usual capacity of guests, at any given time
  • Restrict each table to a maximum of six guests, with two metres between guests sitting at different tables or seatings (i.e. bar, sushi bar)
  • Create separate take-out areas for streamlined and contactless pick-up service 
  • Encourage contactless payment methods for touch-free transaction
  • Establish plexiglass partitions in key guest areas



  • Minimize staff contact with guest tables (ie. providing sterilized water vessels for self-replenishing)
  • Provide digital menu via QR code, or the option of a recyclable, one-time-use paper menu
  • Provide guests who wish to take away their unfinished dishes with to-go packaging for self-service 



  • Provide hand sanitizer stations for guest-use at restaurant entrance
  • Implement use of specialized Eco-Lab cleaners and products for safe and effective sanitization
  • Increased frequency in scheduled cleanings of guest areas, including full wipe-down and sanitization of all chairs, booth seats, and surfaces with appropriate timing between guest seatings
  • Increased frequency of sanitization of high touchpoints (i.e. door handles, handrails) and washroom spaces
  • Enforce the use of personal protective equipment (ie. masks, shields) for key guest-facing and kitchen staff members



  • Mandatory temperature checks before each shift, for every single staff member
  • Enforce health and safety plan to ensure any unwell staff members remain at home to recover 
  • Mandatory advanced health and safety training for all staff members for increased protocol awareness and knowledge across the board